Americove is Available in:
- 4″ size: inside & outside corners and 4 ft straight pieces
- 6″ size: inside & outside corners and 4 ft straight pieces
- 1″size: 4 ft straight pieces
- 1 inch cove base – 5/box = 20ft Weight: 5lbs / Box Dimensions: 1-3/4” x 15” x 15”
- 6” Cove Base and 6” Cove Corner Box Dimensions: : 48” x 8” x 8”
- 6 inch cove base – 18/box = 72ft Weight: 85lbs
- 6 inch corners – 15/box Weight: 20lbs
- 4” Cove Base and 4” Cove Corner Box Dimensions: 48” x 6” x 6”
- 4 inch cove base – 12/box = 48ft Weight: 45lbs
- 4 inch corners – 15/box Weight: 15lbs

Roberts Adhesive Snozzle
- Simultaneously spreads 11 even rows of adhesive for faster distribution
- Compatible with 11 oz. and 30 oz. adhesive cartridges and fits most standard applicator guns
- Distributes adhesive in tight spaces where a standard trowel can’t be used
- To reuse on the same day, keep the adhesive from drying inside the nozzle by creating an airtight seal with tape or by covering the ends with a damp cloth
- Designed as a single use accessory that may be thrown away when finished or cleaned with mineral spirits after each use

AmeriCove Installation Instructions Product Information
AmeriCove is made with a high-density polyurethane composite resin that is flexible but also highly durable. AmeriCove has a closed cell structure, which provides supreme protection from most solvents and renders it almost completely hydrophobic (it will not rot). In addition to its flexibility and superior longevity, AmeriCove offers superior performance compared to other cove products. It will not rot, swell, or deteriorate over time and is ideal for indoor or outdoor use.
MACHINING – Conventional woodworking tools can be used with this material. Material can be cut, sanded and shaped with ease. Miter saws work well when trimming this material. As with all types of trim material, use care when marking and cutting.
FASTENING – Always install moulding material in a relaxed position.Use BOSS® 535 Polyurethane Sealant to adhere the cove base to the wall. Apply NON-silicone white or clear caulking to joints to allow for bridging.
CLEANING – Prior to coating, wipe down with acetone to remove any debris that may have accumulated during shipping or awaiting installation. Prior to finishing, clean the moulding by wiping with a cloth or any mild solvent to clean any dirt or grease that may have accumulated during installation.
PAINT/COAT – AmeriCove material is paint grade and works with resinous coatings.
Hoja De Datos Del Producto AmeriCove Información del Producto
AmeriCove está hecho con una resina compuesta de poliuretano de alta densidad que es flexible pero también muy durable. AmeriCove tiene una estructura de celda cerrada, que brinda una protección suprema contra la mayoría de los disolventes y la vuelve casi completamente hidrofóbica (no se pudre). Además de su flexibilidad y longevidad superior, AmeriCove ofrece un rendimiento superior en comparación con otros productos de cove. No se pudrirá, hinchará, ni deteriorará con el tiempo y es ideal para uso en interiores o exteriores.
MECANIZADO: Con este material se pueden utilizar herramientas convencionales para trabajar la madera. El material se puede cortar, lijar y moldear con facilidad. Las sierras funcionan bien al recortar este material. Al igual que con todos los tipos de material de moldura, tenga cuidado al marcar y cortar.
FIJACIÓN: Instale siempre el material de moldura en una posición relajada. Use sellador de poliuretano BOSS® 535 para adherir la base de la moldura a la pared. Aplique masilla blanca o transparente que NO contenga silicona a las juntas para permitir la unión.
LIMPIEZA: Antes de recubrir, limpie con acetona para eliminar cualquier residuo que pueda haberse acumulado durante el envío o en espera de la instalación. Antes de terminar, limpie la moldura con un paño o cualquier solvente suave para limpiar cualquier suciedad o grasa que pueda haberse acumulado durante la instalación.
PINTURA / CAPA: El material AmeriCove es apto para pintura y funciona con recubrimientos resinosos.