619 StarKrete Urethane
619 StarKrete Urethane
Urethane Concrete
The 619 system is a seamless cementitious urethane flooring system for industrial and heavy commercial environments. Application methods vary between slurry, troweling, and self-leveling broadcast options, all using the same base resin material. Simply change the quantity of sand in your mix. This flexibility allows the installer to stock one resin for multiple types of applications, minimizing waste and the need to stock multiple products.
What Makes Us Unique
Our 619 Urethane System allows for the installer to mix their own additives and sand. With other products, all the necessary sands/powder/dye/etc. is pre bagged. If the installer where to reduce the quantity of premix to attain a thinner mix, vital ingredients would be removed such as dyes, leveling agents, outgas prevention, etc. Our product allows the installer to change the sand mix, and not remove or reduce the vital ingredients necessary to properly install the flooring system.
Usage Area
• Food Processing Plants • Dairy Plants • Schools, Prisons, and Jails • Meat Packing and Poultry Plants • Animal Care Areas • Commercial Kitchens • Hospitals • Pharmaceutical Plants • Food Ingredients Plants •
• Essentially Odorless • Low Maintenance • Withstands Heavy Forklift Traffic • Chemical Resistant • Abrasion Resistant • VOC Compliant • CA 10350 Air Quality Compliant • Meets USDA, FDA, and CFIA and OSHA Standards • Seamless Flooring System •

Packing and Storage
Available in 10 gallon kits. The KretePacs are pre-weighed volume per 1 gallon mix

Colors are achieved by adding color packs available in: Red, Dark Red, Gray, Dark Gray, Tan, Green, Blue, Light Blue, Safety Yellow. Use dyed aggregates to help achieve color stability, and better wear appearance.

Safety Precautions
For all information regarding product use and correct product disposal please refer to Safety Data Sheet.
Mixing and Application Instructions
Surface Preparation
Product Mixing
We recommend working in 1 or 2 gallon mixes, however experienced installers may work in larger batches. Mix ratio is 1:1, Plus 1 KretePac, and one dye pack per gallon. Aggregate should be 20-30 mesh sand or color quartz, at 10-30lbs, depending on your desired application consistency. Add 10lbs for self-leveling, and 20lbs for a slurry. Adding more will allow the formations of coves, and ramps.
Sample recipe for slurry: ½ gallon A, ½ gallon B, One KretePac, One Dye pack, 20lbs of sand.
Sample recipe for self-leveling: ½ gallon A, ½ gallon B, One KretePac, One Dye pack, 10lbs of sand.
Product Application
619 is generally applied at a thickness of 1/8in to 1/2in. However, up to 3” can be applied. Apply with surface and air temperatures above 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Thinning is not required or recommended. The mixed material can be applied by squeegee, gauge rake, or trowel. Maintain temperatures within the recommended ranges during the application and curing process. It is best to maintain a wet edge over the entire application area. Direct sunlight, sudden temperature changes, or high temperatures may cause outgassing or bubbles.
Recoat or Top coating
Multiple coats of this product are acceptable. If you opt to recoat this product, you must first be sure the previous coat is fully cured. Always remember that colder temperatures will require more cure time for the product before recoating can commence. Before recoating or top coating, check the coating to ensure no contaminants exist. If a blush or contaminants are present on a previous coat, remove with a standard detergent cleaner. Allow 24 hours to topcoat with urethane or epoxy sealer.
Technical Specifications
Pot Life | 15 Minutes @ 77F |
Mix Ratio 1 Gallon A : | 1 Gallon B : 2 Additive Packs : 1 Dye Pack |
Working Time | 18 Minutes |
Time to join one batch to the next on floor | 10 Minutes |
Dry Film Thickness | 1/8” – 2” (Per Coat) |
Walking | 6-8 Hours |
Traffic | 12 Hours |
Full Service | 24 Hours |
Full Chemical Resistance | 3 Days |
Volatile Organic Compounds Content | VOC Compliant |
FDA/USDA accepted for incidental food contact /td> | Yes/Yes< |
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (ASTM C531) /td> | 350 PSI (Concrete fails at this point)food contact < |
NOTICE TO BUYER: DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATIONS ON OUR LIABILITY We warrant that our products are manufactured to strict quality assurance specifications and that the information, supplied by us is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Such information supplied about our products is not a representation or a warranty. It is supplied on the condition that you shall make your own tests to determine the suitability of our product for your particular purpose. Any use or application other than recommended herein is the sole responsibility of the user. Listed physical properties are typical and should not be construed as specifications. NO WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, REGARDING SUCH OTHER INFORMATION, THE DATA ON WHICH IT IS BASED, OR THE RESULTS YOU WILL OBTAIN FROM ITS USE. NO WARRANTY IS MADE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE MERCHANTABLE OR THAT OUR PRODUCT SHALL BE FIT FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO WARRANTY IS MADE THAT THE USE OF SUCH INFORMATION OR OUR PRODUCT WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON ANY PATENT. We shall have no liability for incidental or consequential damages, direct or indirect. Our liability is limited to the net selling price of our product or the replacement of our product, at our option. Acceptance of delivery of our product means that you have accepted the terms of this warranty whether or not purchase orders or other documents state terms that vary from this warranty. No representative is authorized to make any representation or warranty or assume any other liability on our behalf with any sale of our products. Our products contain chemicals that may CAUSE SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURY. BEFORE USING, READ THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET AND FOLLOW ALL PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT BODILY HARM. Follow the Hazardous Materials Identification System labeling guide for proper personal protective equipment to use when handling this product. Use only as directed. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.
Version 1.0 – 4/18/19